[Physics Formulas] डाउनलोड कीजिए भौतिक विज्ञान के सभी सूत्र की PDF
Compete Formulas of Physics with concept and Examples for Board and Competitive exams | भौतिकी के फार्मूला
![[Physics Formulas] डाउनलोड कीजिए भौतिक विज्ञान के सभी सूत्र की PDF [Physics Formulas] डाउनलोड कीजिए भौतिक विज्ञान के सभी सूत्र की PDF](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FgA133vVQAU70Hk?format=jpg)
भौतिक विज्ञान के सभी सूत्र
Downloadpdfnotes provides you important notes of physics for upcoming exams. Today topic is ‘Important formulas of Physics with Example’ in Hindi and English. These notes in both language. You can get it in pdf format.
भौतिकी के फार्मूला और उदाहरण | List of Basic Physics Formulas
Some important formulas and examples of physics. These notes are available in Hindi and English
औसत गति सूत्र
इसका उपयोग तय की गई दूरी (D) के साथ-साथ समय अवधि (T) के लिए चलती पिंड की औसत गति (S) की गणना के लिए किया जाता है।
S = d/t
Average Speed Formula
This formula is used to calculate the average speed (S) of a moving body for the distance covered (D) as well as the time duration (T)
S = d/t
त्वरण सूत्र (Acceleration Formula)
In physics Acceleration refers to the rate of change in velocity to the change in time. It is denoted by symbol a.a = (v-u)/t
घनत्व सूत्र (Density Formula)
This formula depicts the denseness of material in a specific given area.P= m/V
शक्ति सूत्र (Power Formula)
The capacity to perform an activity is known as Energy. On the other hand, energy spent in carrying out an activity (work) for a particular period of time is termed as Power.
P = W/t
वजन सूत्र (Weight Formula)
The formula measures the force with which an object falls due to gravity.
W = mg
दबाव सूत्र (Pressure Formula)
Pressure refers to the amount of force applied per unit area of the object.
P = F/A
ओम का नियम सूत्र (Ohm’s Law Formula)
Ohm’s law states that the current passing through a conductor material is directly proportional to the potential difference between two endpoints of the conductor.
V = I × R
गतिज ऊर्जा सूत्र (Kinetic Energy Formula)
Kinetic energy is the energy that is possessed by a body due to its state of motion.E = 1/2 mv²
आवृत्ति सूत्र (Frequency Formula)
Frequency refers to the revolutions completed per second or as the number of wave cycles.F = v/λ
पेंडुलम फॉर्मूला (Pendulum Formula|)
This equation calculates how long the pendulum takes swing back and forth in seconds.T = 2π√Lg
फारेनहाइट फॉर्मूला (Fahrenheit Formula)
This is a conversion formula for a temperature.
F = (9/5× °C) + 32
कार्य सूत्र (Work Formula)
The work formula measures the multiplication of magnitude of displacement d and the component of the force.
W = F × d × cosθ
टॉर्क फॉर्मूला (Torque Formula)
Torque is rotational force or turning effect. It measures the magnitude ofT = F × r × sinθ
मास फॉर्मूला (Mass Formula)
This formula represents the relationship between force and mass.
औसत गति सूत्र (Average Speed Formula)
The average speed is the average of speed of a moving body for the overall distance that it has covered.
S = d/t
S Average speed
d Total distance traveled
t Total time is taken
न्यूटन का दूसरा नियम (Newton’s Second Law)
According to Newton’s second law of motion, the force can be expressed by the product of mass and acceleration of the body.
F = m × a
F Force
m Mass of the body
a Acceleration in velocity available
विस्थापन सूत्र (Displacement Formula)
Refers to the change in the object’s position from its initial place to its final position.D = Xf–Xi = ΔX
Physics Formula's links are given below
भौतिक विज्ञान के सभी सूत्र
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[Physics Formulas] डाउनलोड कीजिए भौतिक विज्ञान के सभी सूत्र की PDF अध्ययन सामग्री लिंक-
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