UP TGT PGT Complete Syllabus and Exam Pattern For All Subjects
Subject-wise TGT Exam Syllabus, Exam Pattern & Study Notes in Hindi and English

UP TGT and PGT Exam Syllabus and Exam Pattern Free pdf download in Hindi and English
Downloadpdfnotes provides you important notes and syllabus. Datailed Syllabus is here for TGT and PGT Exam and its Exam Pattern. This is very important for upcoming exam. Take a look at these notes and syllabus with official sources.
UP Teachers bharti 2022 (UP PGT AND TGT EXAM)
RPSC Sanskrit Education Department Second Grade Teacher Recruitment 2022
UP TGT PGT Syllabus 2022 and Selection Process
Post Selection Process
PGT: Written Exam, Weightage
TGT: Written Exam, Interview, Special Weightage
UP TGT PGT Syllabus & Exam Pattern (UPSESSB TGT PGT)
- I. Examination will be of written objective type.
- II. Time duration of the examination is 120 mints
- III. There will be 125 questions in the question paper. There will be 125 questions in the question paper.
- IV. The total marks are 500, and 35 marks are allotted to service weightage.
- V. Each correctly answered question will provide 4 marks.
- VI. There is no negative marking for wrong answers.
- VII. The total weightage is 100%.
Syllabus of UP TGT Paper
UP TGT Syllabus 2022
For the UP TGT Exam 2022, applicants must have some knowledge of the UP TGT 2022 syllabus. UP TGT Syllabus is given below.
Name of the Sections Topics
General Awareness
- I. General Science
- II. History
- III. Geography
- IV. Culture
- V. Current Affairs
- VI. General Polity
- VII. History of Uttar Pradesh
- VIII. Sports
- IX. Indian Constitution
- X. Economy
- XI. Scientific Research
- I. Reading Comprehension
- II. Phrase
- III. Error Correction
- IV. Subject-Verb Agreement
- V. Grammar
- VI. Verbs
- VII. Adverb
- VIII. Idioms
- IX. Article
- X. Fill in the Blanks
- XI. Sentence Rearrangement
- XII. Tenses
- XIII. Synonyms
- XIV. Antonyms
- XV. Unseen Passages
- XVI. Vocabulary
Quantitative Aptitude
- I. Streams
- II. Boats
- III. Averages
- IV. Work
- V. Pipes
- VI. Time
- VII. Distance
- VIII. Percentage
- IX. Simplification
- X. Profit and loss
- XI. Problems of Ages
- XII. Interest
- XIII. Data Interpretation
Concerned Subjects
- I. English, Hindi
- II. Sanskrit
- III. Biology
- IV. Agriculture
- V. Physics
- VI. Chemistry
- VII. History
- VIII. Civic
- IX. Urdu
- X. Geography
- XI. Economics
- XII. Education
- XIII. Psychology
- XIV. Pali
- XV. Sociology
- XVI. Art
- XVII. Commerce
- XVIII. Weaving
- XIX. Sewing
- XX. Biology
- XXI. Mathematics
- XXII. Agriculture
- XXIII. Botany
- XXIV. Physical Education
- XXV. Military Science
- XXVI. Mental Ability
- XXVII. Home Science
- XXVIII. Music
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