[Navy Musician] Navy MR Musician Entry Selection Procedure | Cut-off | Merit | Joining
Indian Navy MR Musician Job, Work, Salary, form and Selection Process | Full information in Hindi![[Navy Musician 2021] Navy MR Sailor Entry Selection Procedure | Cut-off | Merit | Joining [Navy Musician 2021] Navy MR Sailor Entry Selection Procedure | Cut-off | Merit | Joining](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E7ro2OzUUAEXm0B?format=jpg&name=small)
Navy Musician 2021
Navy MR Sailor Entry Selection Procedure
Our Navy is a well-balanced and cohesive 3D force, capable of operating above and below the surface of the oceans, efficiently protecting our nation.
About Navy Musician Job
Candidates will be required to play a musical instrument as a part of the Navy Band during ceremonial parades and other official functions. Navy bands have also performed around the world.
Navy Musician Work Environment
The work environment of the candidates will be musical work environment. You can learn as many instruments as you want and really excel at it. You can even learn to play orchestra if you try really hard.
Musician Training and Advancement
Selected candidates will undergo vocational training at INS Kunjali after 14 weeks of basic training at INS Chilka.
Education Opportunities for Navy Musician
Candidates may undergo various professional courses as per service requirement. You will get "Graduation Equivalent Certificate" on retirement after completion of 15 years of service.
Qualification and Requirement of Navy Musician
Candidate should have passed Class X (Matriculation Examination) and possess proficiency in Western Notation, Hearing Ability and Basic Knowledge in Music Theory. Must also have actual practical skills on any western classical or wind/percussion instrument.
Minimum Age of candidate should be between 17-25 years on the day of enrollment.
Selection Procedure
I. The applications are to be filled online on website www.joinindiannavy.gov.in and all required documents in original are to be scanned and uploaded. Application received through speed post/registered post or couriers will be rejected. The selection procedure is as follows:-
II. The ‘Online’ applications alongwith the required certificates will be examined and validated
III. Call up Letters cum Admit Cards (CLACs) for eligible candidates indicating date, time and place for Music Screening Test will be uploaded on website tentatively by September 2021.
IV. The candidate would be required to download CLACs from the official website www.joinindiannavy.gov.in. No Call up Letter cum Admit Cards (CLACs) will be sent by post.
V. All original music certificates, mark sheets and Domicile certificate (which have been uploaded whilst filling online application) are to be produced at the time of Music Screening Test.
VI. If the details provided in ‘online application’ are not matching with original documents, the candidature will be cancelled.
VII. The Music selection will be tentatively conducted in September/October 2021. Candidates will arrive and depart on same day.
VIII. Candidates declared Permanent/ Temporary Medically Unfit in the enrolment medical could avail specialist review from the specified Military Hospital within a maximum period of 21 days.
IX. Permanent Medically unfit in the recruitment medical can appeal for specialist opinion in a Military Hospital on payment of Rs 40/- by Military Receivable Order (MRO) on Government Treasury within 21 days.
X. Medical fitness certificate other than that of the specialist opinion in a Military Hospital will not be considered. No further review/ appeal is permissible if declared unfit in the specialist review.
XI. A merit list will be prepared from all the candidates who qualify in Music Screening Board in all respects and PFT depending upon vacancies. The Merit list will be available on website www.joinindiannavy.gov.in
XII. All select list candidates will have to undergo Enrolment Medical Examination at INS Chilka, Odisha.
XIII. Candidates declared Temporary/ Permanent unfit candidates at Enrolment Medical Examination will be given an option for Appeal Medical Examination at INHS Nivarini, Chilka and INHS Kalyani, Visakhapatnam only within a maximum period of 21 days. This Appeal Medical Examination shall be treated as final.
XIV. All candidates appearing for Music Screening Board at INS Kunjali, Mumbai are required to handover their Police Verification Form. The candidates will be required to getting their antecedents verified on Police Verification form / Online police verification form from the Superintendent of Police of their respective jurisdiction.
XV. Only those candidates, who submit the Police verification form duly verified by the concerned authorities, will be enrolled. Candidates without the verified police verification reports will not be eligible for enrollment.
XVI. The candidate’s selection pertaining to a particular batch is valid for that batch only. Qualified candidates whose names do not appear in the final select list cannot claim admission in the next batch.
XVII. These candidates will have to undergo the selection procedure afresh provided that they meet the eligibility criteria for the fresh batch.
XVIII. No inquiry will be entertained regarding recruitment / enrollment after a period of six months.
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