[Yantrik Syllabus*] Coast Guard Yantrik Exam Pattern, Question Papers | PDF
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Coast Guard Yantrik Exam Pattern
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Indian Coast Guard Yantrik Exam Pattern
Coast guard Yantrik Subjects for Exam
- I. Some Questions From Respective Branches– (Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics and Telecommunication)
- II. General knowledge (GK) and Current Affairs
- III. General Awareness (Current Affairs and GK)
- IV. Reasoning
- V. General English
- VI. Mathematics
- VII. Quantitative Aptitude
- VIII. General Science
Selection Procedure For Indian Coast Guard Yantrik Diploma Holders Exam:
Yantrik selection is based on all India order of merit on their performance in Stage- I, II, III and IV and the number of vacancies available for the post. Clearing of Stage I, II, III, IV and satisfactory performance in training is compulsory for recruitment in ICG.
Candidates will compulsorily subjected to bio-metric, photo identification and document verification during stage- I, II, III and IV of the selection procedure.
All Informatin about Exam of Indian coast guard Yantrik, Navik (GD, DB) is given below:-
Selection Stage- I
Part 1
Part- 2 |
Selection STAGE-II
Based on the performance in the Computer Based Online Examination, a merit list will be prepared and e-admit card for stage-II will be issued as per the vacancies available and ratio decided by ICG.
If the candidate is shortlisted for stage-II then he will be required to upload additional documents as mentioned at Para 6 (c) (iv) and Para 6 (c) (v).
E-admit card for stage-II will not be generated till the additional documents are uploaded by the candidates within a time period as mentioned on ICG website. The duration of Stage –II will be from 1 to 2 days.
Stage-II involves following test which are only qualifying in nature-
Physical Fitness Test (pass or fail).
Candidates undergoing PFT will do so at their own risk. All candidates are advised to be in possession of sport rig (Shoe, T-shirt, Trouser)
The PFT consists of:-
- i) 1.6 Km run to be completed in 7 minutes.
- ii) 20 Squat ups (Uthak Baithak).
- iii) 10 Push-up.
3) Passage
4) Active-Passive Voice
5) Direct-Indirect Sentences
6) Punctuation
7) Synonyms and Antonyms
8) Verbs, Adverbs, Tenses
9) Use of pronouns
10) Idioms and Phrases
11) Active and Passive Voices
12) Spell Checks
13) Cloze Test
14) Error Spotting
15) Reading Comprehension
Subject- General Awareness
1) Indian Politics2) Countries, Capitals, and Currencies
3) History of India
4) Awards, Honors and Recognition
5) Culture and Religion
6) Geography
7) Name of Rivers, Mountains, Dams,
8) Sports
9) Authors
Subject- Quantitative Aptitude:
1) Profit and Loss
2) Ratio and Proportions
3) Simplification
4) Number System
5) Percentage and Average
6) Time, Distance, Work
7) Number Series
8) Simple and Compound Interest
Subject Chemistry:
1) Metals and Non-Metals, etc
2) Solids, Liquids, and Gases
3) Elements
4) Periodic Table
5) Chemical reactions (Chemical Formula)
Subject Mathematics:
1) Sequences and Series
2) Vectors
3) Conic Sections
4) Set Theory
5) Relations and Functions
6) Quadratic Equations
7) Straight Lines
8) Circles
9) Trigonometry
10) Permutations and Combinations
11) Statistics
12) Calculus
13) Matrices and Determinants
14) Probability
Source: Official Website
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