Free Reasoning Questions with Solution Handwritten Notes PDF
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Some important Reasoning Questions with solutions
Reasoning Questions and Answers with tricks solutions for competitive exams
1) If each vowel of the word “TAMILNADU” is changed to the next in the English alphabetical series & Each consonant to the previous letter in alphabetical series & then Alphabets thus formed are arranged in alphabetical order from left to right, which of the following will be 3ed from the right End-
- a. C
- b. S
- c. M
- d. L
Directions for Questions 2 to 4: Read the given information carefully and solve the following questions.
If,- G&R means G is neither smaller than nor equal to R.
- G#R means G is neither smaller than nor greater than R.
- G@R means G is not smaller than R.
- G*R means G is not greater than R.
- G^R means G is neither greater than nor equal to R.
2) If M&P@D#Q@R&S, then which of the following is true-
- a. S&M
- b. Q@S
- c. R*P
- d. S&D
Solution: M>P≥D=Q≥R>S
3) If S#L*F^G; F&M@Y, then which of the following is false-
- a. Y^G
- b. G&L
- c. Y^L
- d. L@M
Solution: S=L≤F<G; F>M≥Y
4) If Y@R@T#B&Z; R&C; B^K, then which of the following is true-
- a. K&T
- b. C*Z
- c. T*Y
- d. Z&R
Solution: Y≥R≥T=B>Z; B<K; R>C
Reasoning handwritten notes PDF in English
Directions for Questions 5 to 9: Read the given information and Solve Reasoning Questions In a certain code language
- I. ‘only festival for student’ is coded as ‘GS%8 IF$21 OF#21 BO@12’
- II. ‘massive movement in life’ is coded as ‘VL$15 MI%18 GM@14 VM#14’
- III. ‘now promote to self" is coded as ’US%8 LT$7 VP#11 DN@13’
- IV. ‘hard work plus luck" is coded as ‘PL@15 HP#11 PW$4 WH%19’
5) Correct for code for ‘next time’ in the given code language-
- a. GN@13 VT#7
- b. GN@13 VT@20
- c. GN@13 TV#20
- d. GN#13 VT#20
Solution: GN@13 VT#20
7) What is the code for “you create history” in below codes-
- a. FY@2 VC#24 HB%19
- b. YF@2 VC#24 BH%19
- c. FY@2 VC#24 BH%19
- d. FY@2 CV#24 BH%19
Solution: FY@2 VC#24 BH%19
8) What is the code for ‘stringent action must required ’ in the given code language-
- a. GS@8 MA%26 GM#14 RW$M
- b. %26 GM#14 WR$9
- c. SG@8 MA%26 GM#14 WR$9
- d. GS@8 MA%26 GM#14 WR$9
Correct Answer: d
Solution. GS@8 MA%26 GM#14 WR$9
Solution: VU@6 VT#7
Solution: GC@24 HW#4 LI$18 SS%8
Solution. GS@8 MA%26 GM#14 WR$9
9) Possible code for ‘utilize time’ in the given code language-
- a. VU@6 VT#7
- b. UV@6 VT#7
- c. VU@6 TV#7
- d. VU#6 VT#7
Solution: VU@6 VT#7
10) Code for ‘convert weakness into strength' in the given code language-
- a. GC@24 HW#4 LI$18 SS%8
- b. CG@24 HW#4 LI$18 SS%8
- c. GC@24 WH#4 LI$18 SS%8
- d. GC@24 HW#4 IL$18 SS%8
Solution: GC@24 HW#4 LI$18 SS%8
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