[PDF*] 10000+ One word Substitution English Grammar (vocabulary) With Answers
New Most Important One word Substitution. Collection of 10,000+ One Word Substitutions Dictionary.

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One word substitution related to study for Competitive Exams | For SSC, UPSC, TET, Defense and other Exams
Downloadpdfnotes provides you important note of English Grammar Study Material and language for competitive exams, Here we are providing you important one word substitute of English grammar, and vocabulary notes.
English Notes for Competitive exams for civil services, defense services and staff services exams. Here downloadpdfnotes provides you the collection of ten thousands one word substitutions, which is related to every competitive exams.
English Notes for Competitive exams for civil services, defense services and staff services exams. Here downloadpdfnotes provides you the collection of ten thousands one word substitutions, which is related to every competitive exams.
Most Important One Word Substitution of English For Competitive Exams
Some One Word Substitute, Take a look at these important English notes For upcoming exams.
Study, related one word substitute for exams
Phrase, Sentence <-----|-----> ONE WORD
- The study of languages <-----|-----> Philology
- The study of stars <-----|-----> Astronomy
- The study of the origin and history of words <-----|-----> Etymology
- The study of ancient writing <-----|-----> Paleography
- The study of physical life <-----|-----> Biology
- The study of rocks and soils <-----|-----> Geology
- The study of birds <-----|-----> Ornithology
- The study of mountains <-----|-----> Orology
- The study of plants <-----|-----> Botany
- The study of the human mind <-----|-----> Psychology
- The study of animals <-----|-----> Zoology
One who, related one word substitute in English
- One who believes in God <-----|-----> Theist
- One who knows everything <-----|-----> Omniscient
- One who looks at the bright side of things <-----|-----> Optimist
- One who looks at the dark side of things <-----|-----> Pessimist
- One who cannot read and write <-----|-----> Illiterate
- One who acts against religion <-----|-----> Heretic
- One who offers one’s services, <-----|-----> Volunteer
- One who does not believe in God <-----|-----> Atheist
- One who is present everywhere <-----|-----> Omnipresent
- One who is all powerful <-----|-----> Omnipotent
- One who loves mankind <-----|-----> Philanthropist
Free pdf of 10000 English One Word Substitution
- Love for mankind. <-----|-----> Philanthropy
- One who hates mankind <-----|-----> Misanthrope
- One who is out to destroy the government <-----|-----> Anarchist
- One who eats human flesh <-----|-----> Cannibal
- Those who live at the same time <-----|-----> Contemporary
- One who is more than a hundred years old <-----|-----> Centenarian
- One who is eighty years old <-----|-----> Octogenarian
- One who does not drink wine, <-----|-----> Teetotaler
- One who is new to a profession <-----|-----> Novice
- One who is a habitual drunkard <-----|-----> Sot
- One who settles in another country <-----|-----> Immigrant
- One who knows many languages <-----|-----> Polyglot
- One who carves in stones <-----|-----> Sculptor
- One for whom the world is a home <-----|-----> Cosmopolitan
- One who is indifferent to pain and pleasure <-----|-----> Stoic
- One who is given to pleasures of the flesh <-----|-----> Epicure
- One that lives on others <-----|-----> Parasite
- One who is sympathetic to mankind <-----|-----> Humanitarian
- One who walks on foot <-----|-----> Pedestrian
- One who studies things of the past <-----|-----> Antiquarian
- One who is gifted with several talents <-----|-----> Versatile
- One who cuts precious stones <-----|-----> Lapidary
- One who deals in cattle, <-----|-----> Drover
- One who cures eye diseases <-----|-----> Oculist
- One who sells sweets and pastries <-----|-----> Confectioner
- One who collects postage stamps, <-----|-----> Philatelist
- One who breaks images or idols <-----|-----> Iconoclast
- One who retires from society to live a solitary life <-----|-----> Recluse
- One who has special skill in judging art, music <-----|-----> Connoisseur
- One who is devoted to the pleasures of eating and drinking <-----|-----> Epicure
- One who is given to the sensual pleasures of body <-----|-----> Voluptuary
- One who loads and unloads ships, <-----|-----> Stevedore
- One who compiles a dictionary <-----|-----> Lexicographer
- One who walks in one’s sleep <-----|-----> Somnambulist
- One who has an irresistible tendency to steal <-----|-----> Kleptomaniac
- One who pretends to be what he is not. <-----|-----> Hypocrite
- One who imitates the voice and gestures of another <-----|-----> Mimic
A, related one word Substitute in English Dictionary
- A professional rider in horse races <-----|-----> Jockey
- A place with gambling tables <-----|-----> Casino
- A number of sheep <-----|-----> Flock
- A number of sailors working on a ship <-----|-----> Crew
- A collection of flags <-----|-----> Bunting
- A number of ships <-----|-----> Fleet
- A cluster of houses in a village <-----|-----> Hamlet
- A number of stars grouped together <-----|-----> Constellation
- A factory for manufacturing beer <-----|-----> Brewery
- A place for the collection of dried plants <-----|-----> Her barium
- A building for lodging of oldies <-----|-----> Barrack
- A place where money is coined <-----|-----> Mint
- A place where orphans are housed <-----|-----> Orphanage
- An institution for reforming young offenders <-----|-----> Reformatory
- A place for improving one’s health <-----|-----> Resort
- A case in which the sword is kept <-----|-----> Sheath
- A substance that destroys germs <-----|-----> Antiseptic
- A medicine which produces insensitivity <-----|-----> Anesthetic
- A medicine to counteract poison <-----|-----> Antidote
- An instrument for listening to the activities of the heart and lungs <-----|-----> Stethoscope
- A man addicted to lewdness, <-----|-----> Lecher
- Free from infection <-----|-----> Immune
- A cure for all diseases <-----|-----> Panacea
- A place where dead bodies are kept <-----|-----> Mortuary
- A place thought of as the opposite to utopia <-----|-----> Dystopia
- A place where dead bodies are kept for identification <-----|-----> Morgue
- A place where dead bodies are buried <-----|-----> Cemetery
- An examination of a dead body <-----|-----> Postmortem
- Occurring after death <-----|-----> Posthumous
- An inscription on a tomb <-----|-----> Epitaph
The, related one word substitute for Competitive Exams
- The house of an Eskimo <-----|-----> Igloo
- The house of an Arab <-----|-----> Dower
- The dead body of an animal <-----|-----> Carcass
- The science of colors <-----|-----> Chromatic
- The science of the structure of human body <-----|-----> Anatomy
- The art of effective speaking <-----|-----> Elocution
- The art of beautiful handwriting <-----|-----> Calligraphy
- The art of preserving skin <-----|-----> Taxidermy
Government, related one word substitute English Section for Government Exams
- Government by the nobility <-----|-----> Aristocracy
- To give up throne or other office of dignity <-----|-----> Abdicate
- A diplomatic minister of the highest order sent by 1 country to another <-----|-----> Ambassador
- Absence of government <-----|-----> Anarchy
- A person who is out to destroy all government & order <-----|-----> Anarchist
- Government by one <-----|-----> Autocracy/Despotism
- To decide a political question by the direct vote of the whole electorate <-----|-----> Referendum
- Government by a few <-----|-----> Oligarchy
- Government by divine guidance <-----|-----> Theocracy
- Part of the government which preserves law and order and carries out the laws made<-----|-----> Executive
- Government by the officials/ departments of state <-----|-----> Bureaucracy
- A person who takes up arms against the government <-----|-----> Rebel
- Too much official formality <-----|-----> Red Tap-ism
- Sweeping governmental change <-----|-----> Revolution
- Government by the nobles <-----|-----> Aristocracy
- Government by a few <----- | -----> Oligarchy
- Government by the rich <----- | -----> Plutocracy
- The science of government <-----|-----> Politics
- The right of self government <----- | -----> Autonomy
- Government of the people, for the people, by the people <-----|-----> Democracy
- Government by the king or queen <-----|-----> Monarchy
Source: Read Source
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Most Important 5000+ One word Substitution English Grammar for upcoming Exam
Most Important 5000+ One word Substitution English Grammar for upcoming Exam
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