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Free study material for up super tet exam free PDF | Uttar Pradesh super tet study material in Hindi Free PDF.
Those candidates who are preparing for up super tet exam can get free study material, previous year paper, books, practice set, syllabus, exam pattern, about exam. Marks of super tet, paper level and other important information.
Downloadpdfnotes provides you best and important information from official sources for up super tet Exam in Hindi and English
Downloadpdfnotes provides you best and important information from official sources for up super tet Exam in Hindi and English
Uttar pradesh Super tet Syllabus And Latest Exam Pattern
Basic Education Board of Uttar pradesh has recently announced super tet Exam for the Recruitment of Posts of Sahayak Adhyapak/ Assistant Teacher in UP Primary Schools. Here we are providing you UP Super TET exam Syllabus, Study material in PDF format in Hindi and English.
UP Super TET exam Assistant Teacher Official Syllabus and Notification For Exam
According to Official Notice by UP Govt. The Super tet exam pattern questions, weighted and time will be as given below.
Super TET Exam Will be Written Objective Type.
- UP Supertet exam Total Weight age would carry 60% of written exam,
- Academic Each 10% of High School, Intermediate, Graduation & BTC Marks
- There Will be No Subjective Type Question in UP Super TET exam.
- The UP Super TET Exam will be of 150 Objective Questions.
- Uttar Pradesh Super TET Exam will be of 1 mark for each Questions.
- Teachers Bharti UP Super TET Exam will be of 2:30 Hours.
Syllabus of UP Super tet
Subjects Max. Marks
- Language- Hindi, English & Sanskrit 40
- Science - Chemistry 10
- Math - 20
- Environment & Social Study - 10
- Teaching Methodology - 10
- Child Psychologist - 10
- General Knowledge/ Current Occupations - 30
- Logical knowledge - 05
- Information Technology - 05
- Life Skill/ Management and aptitude - 10
Total Marks for UP SUPER TET - 150 Marks
UP Super TET Syllabus For Paper 1 and Paper 2
- U.P. Super teachers eligibility test Exam is conducted in two papers- Paper 1 and Paper 2, both the papers are conducted on the same day with different shifts. Paper 1 is to become a primary teacher who teaches classes 1 to 5.
- Paper 2 is to become an elementary teacher who teaches classes 6 to 8. when aspirants qualify to teach class 1 to 5 then they appear for both papers 1 & 2 for the exam.
Super tet Exam Paper 1 consists of 5 sections and paper 2 consists of 4 sections. Multiple subjects are given in which candidates have to choose between mathematics & science in paper 1 and social studies in paper 2. Candidates should have a minimum of 60% marks in paper 1 and paper 2 will be issued Super Teacher Eligibility Test.
Super TET Syllabus details with topic wise
Language (Hindi, English, Urdu)- Grammar, Comprehension
Stages of matter and substance, speed force, energy, distance light, sound, health, environmental and natural resources, daily life includes science, the world of creatures, the human body Mathematics- Mathematical action, numerical ability, differentiation, decimal, interest, profit - loss, factoring, percentage, general algebra, volume, ratio, general geometry, statistics.
Environment & Social Study-
Earth’s structure, mountains, oceans, solar system, general geography, Indian constitution, traffic and road safety, Indian economy and challenges.
Super TET | Teaching skills-
Teaching methodology and skills, principles of learning, education evolution and measurement, current Indian society and elementary education, educational focus and administration.
Child Psychologist-
Factors affecting child development, identification of child learning, personal variation, creating environments for learning, theories of learning and practical utility and their use in classroom teaching.
General knowledge-
Important current affairs, current events, national, international, location personality compositions, cultural and arts.
Logical knowledge-
Symbols and notations, binary logic, classification, block and calendars, coding and decoding, critical reasoning, cube number series, puzzles, data interpretations, direction sense test and letter series.
Information Technology-
Information in the field of teaching skills, technical computers, internet, smartphones, useful application in teaching, art teaching and school management.
Life Skill / Management and Aptitude-
Constitutional and original origin, the role of education, professional conduct and policy, motivation, penal and punishments are effective to use.
Source: Read Source Official Website
[PDF] Latest UP SUPER TET Exam Study Material, book, Syllabus, Paper, Practice sets, के नि:शुल्क PDF अध्ययन सामग्री लिंक-
Practice sets for Latest U.P. Super TET Exam |
Last year paper PDF of Super TET of u.p. ExamClick here to Super TET previous year paper 1 |
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Subject wise Study Material for Super tet Exam
CTET Exam Free Books PDF |
Syllabus and Notification uttar pradesh Super teacher eligibility test Exam |
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