[CTET Study Material ] Complete CTET Syllabus, Previous year papers, Books, practice sets Free PDF
Central Teaching Eligibility Test (CTET) Exam Date, Eligibility,Selection process and other important information.

Downloadpdfnotes.com providing you important notes of ctet written examination, syllabus, free mock test, and other important information. In this page we are providing you important study material free PDF of ctet books, practice sets for ctet exam.
About CTET Exam | kya hai CTET (Central Teaching Eligibility TET)
As you know CTET is a national level examination conducted to certify the eligibility of candidates to be appointed as teachers at Primary and Upper Primary levels. It is conducted twice a year in July and December. CTET July Exam will be held on 5 July.
About CET TET Paper | सीटेट के पेपर के बारे में
There are two part of this Examination
Paper 1 and Paper 2
- As per CTET 2020 Exam Pattern, candidates aspiring to become a teacher of classes 1–5 need to take Paper 1, whereas Paper 2 is meant for those who want to become a teacher of classes 6–8. If you want a teacher 1 to 8 should appear in both paper.
- Each paper of CTET 2020 will be an offline test of 150 minutes duration having 150 MCQs of 1 mark each without any provision of negative marking. CTET 2020 Syllabus includes Child Development and Pedagogy, Language I, Language II, Environmental Studies, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies.
- The qualifying marks for CTET is 60% for General category and 55% for reserved category. Candidates scoring more than 60% marks (55% for reserved candidates) in Paper 1 or Paper 2 will be awarded Eligibility Certificate. Check CTET 2020 Cutoff
The key points about CTET July session are highlighted below:
Exam Name
Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET)
Conducting Body
Conducting Body
Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)
Exam Type
Exam Type
National Level
Selection of Primary and Elementary Teachers in Central Government Schools
Duration of Exam
Duration of Exam
2 hours 30 minutes (each paper)
Mode of Application
Mode of Application
Negative Marking
Negative Marking
Language Medium
Language Medium
English and Hindi
CTET exam date, the schedule of exam will be as follows:-
- Events Dates (July Session)
- CTET Registration began on January 24 – February 24, 2020 (11:59 PM)
- CTET Application Fee can be paid up to February 27, 2020 (3:30 PM)
- CTET 2020 Exam Date July 5, 2020 (Officially Announced)
- Release of CTET Answer Keys July 23, 2020
- CTET Result Declaration July 27, 2020
- CTET 2020 Certificates’ Dispatch August 2020
- CTET Application Form Correction March 17 – 24, 2020
- Availability of CTET Admit Card June 20, 2020
Know CTET Selection Process
CTET selection process includes the following steps:
Fist you have to fill CTET online application form
Candidates need to fill their CTET application form in online mode on the official website of the exam. Candidates also need to pay CTET application fee of Rs 1,000 (for one paper) and Rs 1,200 both papers.
Next Step should be get CTET admit card
Aspirants can get CTET admit card 2020 from the official website of the exam. The admit card for CTET exam contains relevant details related to the aspirant and exam. It also mentions the candidate’s test center details as well as reporting time for the exam. Get it before the exam.
Next step will be Appear for CTET exam
You need to report at their CTET exam center at least 90 minutes before the commencement of the exam. CTET exam is 2:30 hrs. On the exam day, two papers are conducted. Paper-I needs to be given by aspirants who want to qualify for teaching of classes 1 to 5 (primary wing). Paper-II is for candidates who want to qualify for teaching of classes 6-8 (elementary wing).
Now Check CTET result
As you know CBSE announces CTET result on the official website of the exam. Candidates who qualify the exam get a CTET eligibility certificate. The validity of CTET eligibility certificate is seven years from the date of declaration of result. So you can us it before 7 year of expiration.
Latest CTET Exam Study Material, book, Syllabus, Paper, Practice sets के नि:शुल्क PDF अध्ययन सामग्री लिंक-
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