[Solved] Descriptive paper SSC (CGL, CHSL, MTS) question Paper and practice set
Descriptive paper syllabus, practice set, books, Essay, Letter and solved paper. This study material for SSC Tier-2 Exam chsl, mts, cgl, and other descriptive exam.

Descriptive paper
Descriptive Study material tips, syllabus and paper
It is a descriptive paper and conducted in Pen and Paper Mode. So, let’s look at the type of questions asked in this exam. It was a descriptive paper consisting of two sections – Letter and Essay Writing. Both the sections were of 50 marks each and the total time duration of exam was 1 hour.आप SSC CHSL टियर- II परीक्षा का विस्तृत परीक्षा विश्लेषण प्राप्त करेंगे। यह एक वर्णनात्मक पेपर था जिसमें दो खंड - पत्र और निबंध लेखन शामिल थे। दोनों खंड 50 अंक के थे और परीक्षा की कुल समय अवधि 1 घंटे थी।
About SSC CHSL Tier-II
SSC CHSL Tier-II is an offline Pen Paper-based exam of 100 marks with 1-hour duration. The choice will be there between English and Hindi Language. Candidates can write the paper in either English or Hindi language as per their convenience. Time is 1 hour 20 Minutes for PWD candidates.
1 – 50 Marks | 250 words
Letter Writing
1 – 50 Marks | 150 words
Time Limit
1 Hour
(1 hour 20 Minutes for PWD candidates)
Total Marks
100 Marks
Descriptive paper of ssc complete information in Hindi and English
Paper Mode of Tier-2 of SSC CHSL, MTS Descriptive Exam
(Hindi/ English)No. of Questions (Marks) & Word Limit
Essay Writing1 – 50 Marks | 250 words
Letter Writing
1 – 50 Marks | 150 words
Time Limit
1 Hour
(1 hour 20 Minutes for PWD candidates)
Total Marks
100 Marks
Main Highlights points of the SSC CHSL Tier-II Descriptive Paper
- A paper written in Hindi and Part in English will not be evaluated..
- Both black/blue pens is allowed in the exam center.
- Answer sheet is given to students consisting of 12 pages and each page consisted of four columns/ boxes and 14 rows.
- Strict instructions is given to follow the word limit and candidates were allowed to exceed it only by 10%.
- No choice is given and candidates need to answer for both questions.
- Candidates had to write the paper either in Hindi or in English.
Most Important Points to Remember after SSC CHSL Tier-II Exam
Candidates who appeared in the SSC CHSL Tier-II must have a look at the below points for further selection-
- वर्णनात्मक पेपर के लिए न्यूनतम योग्यता अंक 33% होंगे।
- सफल उम्मीदवारों की मेरिट लिस्ट तय करने के लिए टीयर I परीक्षा के साथ वर्णनात्मक पेपर के अंकों को शामिल किया जाएगा।
- The minimum qualifying marks for the descriptive paper will be 33%.
- The marks of the descriptive paper will be included with Tier I exam to decide the merit list of successful candidates.
- The above analysis of the SSC CHSL Tier-II Exam held on 15th July 2018 will help you to assess your among the thousands of candidates who appeared for the Tier-II Exam.
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