[PDF] Reasoning Verbal and Non-Verbal Short tricks complete study material chapter-wise PDF
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अगर आप किसी भी परीक्षा की तैयारी कर रहे हैं तो उसके सिलेबस तथा एग्जाम पैटर्न के बारे में आपको अच्छे से पता होना चाहिए अधिकतर परीक्षाओं में रीजनिंग तर्कशक्ति से प्रश्न आते हैं तर्कशक्ति एक ऐसा विषय है जिसमें कॉन्सेप्ट कम तथा सेंस ऑफ ह्यूमर ज्यादा यूज होता है इस पेज में रीजनिंग के तर्कशक्ति के स्टडी नोट्स किताबें बुक्स प्रैक्टिस सेट पिछले पेपर तथा सभी चैप्टर्स के नोट्स पीडीएफ में उपलब्ध कराए गए हैं
आप इन पीडीएफ को फ्री में डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं रीजनिंग की तैयारी में यह नोट्स बहुत ही उपयोगी साबित होंगे आने वाली परीक्षा में यह नोट्स आपको जरूर सफलता दिलाएंगे ऐसी हमें उम्मीद है रिजनिंग के सभी चैप्टर्स तथा वैकल्पिक प्रश्न इस पेज में उपलब्ध है आप इन्हें भी देख सकते हैं
Basic Chapter of Reasoning Short Tricks
- Alphabet Series Analogy
- Coding Decoding Number Series
- Numerical Reasoning Reasoning Ability
- Statement & Argument Statement & Assumption
- Statement & Conclusion Statement & Inference
All Chapter of Reasoning PDF in Hindi and English
Verbal Reasoning-
- Seating Arrangement
- Puzzle /Jumbling
- Blood relation
- Alphabet Test
- Classification
- Logical sequence of words
- Coding Decoding
- Ranking test
- Eligibility test
- Direction sense
- Sequential output tracing
- Analogy
- Missing element
- Number Series
- Letter and Alpha numeric Series
- Data Sufficiency
- Math Operations
Non-verbal Reasoning- This comprises of –
- Embedded Figure
- Mirror Image
- Water Image
- Paper Folding and cutting
- Pattern Completion
Logical Reasoning-
- Venn diagram
- Inequality
- Statement and Course of Action
- Statement and Argument
- Statement and Assumption
- Statement and Conclusion
- Syllogism
Top best Reasoning MCQs with short Tricks PDF
If X is brother of the son of Y’s son, how is X related to Y?
A) SonB) Brother
C) Cousin
D) Grand-Son
B) Grandfather
C) Uncle
If B says that his mother is the only daughter of A’s mother, how is A related to B?
A) SonB) Grandfather
C) Uncle
D) Brother
B) Brother-in-law
C) Cousin
A is B’s wife and C is A’s sister. D is the father of C, while E is D’s son. What is the relation of E to B?
A) BrotherB) Brother-in-law
C) Cousin
D) Father-in-law
B) His father's
C) His nephew’s
D) His own
B) Brother
C) Father
D) Grandfather
B) Son
C) Grandson
Pointing to a photograph, a man said, “I have no brother or sister but that man’s father is my father’s son”. Whose photograph was it?
A) His son’sB) His father's
C) His nephew’s
D) His own
A’s mother is the only daughter of B’s father. How is B’s husband related to A?
A) UncleB) Brother
C) Father
D) Grandfather
A is brother of B, B is the son of C, D is C’s father then what is A of D?
A) BrotherB) Son
C) Grandson
D) Grandfather
B) Sister
C) Brother-in-law
A is the father of C and D is son of B. E is brother of A. If C is sister of D, how is B related to E?
A) BrotherB) Sister
C) Brother-in-law
D) Sister-in-law
B) Brother
C) Grandfather
A and B are brothers. C and D are sisters. A’s son is D’s brother. How is B related to C?
A) FatherB) Brother
C) Grandfather
D) Uncle
B) Uncle
C) Son
A woman introduces a man as the son of the brother of her mother. How is the man related to the woman?
A) NephewB) Uncle
C) Son
D) Cousin
B) Grand-daughter
C) Mother
D) Sister
A man said to a lady, “Your mother’s husband’s sister is my aunt”. How is that lady related to that man?
A) DaughterB) Grand-daughter
C) Mother
D) Sister
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