Indian Navy Charge-man Exam Pattern & Syllabus | New Study material | practice sets | last year papers | Mock Test
Candidates who had registered for the Indian Navy for Charge-man Posts must prepare well for the Civilian Examination by downloading the Indian Naval Dept exam Sample Papers PDF for free.
The Aspirants who are in search of Indian Navy Charge man (Mechanical) Exam Solved Papers pdf. Study material has been provided in this particular article. Try it Free!

Indian Navy (Chargeman)

Study material for Navy Chargeman (Mechanic), Chargeman (Ammunition & Explosive) PDF
Basic Information about Indian Navy (Charge-man) Study Material Notes
Indian Navy has released a notification for the recruitment of Chargeman (Mechanic), Charge-man (Ammunition & Explosive) vacancies classified as Group ‘B’. Those Candidates who are interested in the vacancy details & fulfill all eligibility criteria can read the Notification & Apply Online.Educational Qualifications:
1. Charge man (Mechanic)
- (i) Diploma in Mechanical or Electrical or Electronics or Production Engineering from a recognized University or Institute and;
- (ii) Two years working experience in quality control or quality assurance or testing or proof in the area of design or production or Maintenance of Engineering equipment or system from a recognized organization.
2. Charge man (Ammn & Expl)
Diploma in chemical engineering from a recognized university or institution with two years experience in quality control or quality assurance or testing or proof in the area of chemical engineering or processing from recognized organization.Short detail about Navy Notes
Indian Naval Command had released the notification to fill the 172 vacancies of Charge-man Posts by conducting the Civilian Entrance Examination. Candidates who had registered for the Indian Navy Recruitment for Charge-man Posts must prepare well for the Civilian Examination by downloading the Indian Naval Dept exam Sample Papers PDF for free.The Aspirants who are in search of Indian Navy Charge-man (Mechanical) Exam Solved Papers PDF. Here in this article of All India Jobs, we have given the all the Central Government Jobs updated on Syllabus, Previous Papers PDF for free. Indian Naval Department decided to select the applicants who had got maximum marks in the Indian Navy Dept Charge-man Examination.
Numerical Aptitude- Indian Navy Syllabus
Name of Subject Topic Wise Indian Navy Exam Syllabus
General Intelligence and Reasoning
It would include questions related to Mathematical operations
- Series
- Analogy
- Word Based Problems
- Problems Solving
- Drawing Inference
- Coding Decoding
- Non-Verbal Reasoning etc.
- Odd One Out
- Logical Venn Diagrams
Numerical Aptitude- Indian Navy Syllabus
This paper will include the question on problems relating to Number Systems
- Time & Work
- Mensuration
- Ratio and Proportion
- Average
- Profit and Loss
- Discount
- Percentage
- Time and Distance
- Simple and Compound Interest
- statistical Chart
- Trigonometry
- Geometry etc.
General English (Indian Navy Exam Syllabus)
In addition to the testing of candidates understanding of English language
- vocabulary
- grammar
- sentence structure
- synonymous
- antonyms
- Comprehension and its correct usage 0etc.
General Awareness (Indian Navy Syllabus)
The test will include questions relating to India and its neighboring countries especially pertaining to
- culture
- Geography
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Computer Science
- Environmental Science
- Economics scene
- sports
- history
- Current Events
- General policy including Indian Constitution and scientific research etc.
[PDF*] Indian Navy (Charge-man) New Study material, practice sets, last year paper PDF के नि: शुल्क PDF अध्ययन सामग्री लिंक
PRACTICE SET & LAST YEAR PAPER PDF डाउनलोड करे Practice sets for Indian Navy (Charge-man) |
Last year paper PDF of Indian Navy (Charge man) |
Subject wise Study Material for Indian Navy (Charge man) |
Syllabus and Indian Navy (Charge-man) |
Mock tests for Indian Navy (Charge-man) |
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