[PDF] UPSC NDA Latest study material, last year paper, practice set and mock test
Latest UPSC NDA study material, previous year paper, practice set in Hindi and in English also. In this article we are providing you the brief information about NDA Exam conducted by UPSC.
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Latest study martial in Hindi and English of NDA (National Defense Academy) conducted by UPSC
Basic Information of NDA Exam
UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) conducts the NDA examination. It is a national level entrance test. The UPSC NDA exam is conducted to recruit candidates in the Army, Navy and Air Force. This exam is conducted two times in a year, i.e. NDA I and NDA II.
It is a two tier examination, after qualifying the written test candidates will also have to clear the 5 days SSB interview. Here we are providing details about NDA 2019 examination including notification, application form, exam dates, eligibility criteria, , syllabus, etc.
NDA Exam Pattern
- Total Marks 300 Marks
- Total No. of Questions 120
- Marks awarded for Correct answer 2.5 marks
- Marks deducted for wrong answer -0.85
- Exam Duration 2.5 Hours
- Total Marks 600 marks
- Total No. of Questions 150
- No. of questions in English Section 50
- No. Of questions in General knowledge Section 100
- Maximum Marks for English 200 marks
- Maximum Marks for G.K. 400 marks
- Marks for Correct Answer 4 marks in both sections
- Marks for Incorrect Answer -1.33 marks in both sections
- Exam Duration 2.5 Hours
UPSC NDA Syllabus for Mathematics
- Algebra
- Matrices and Determinants
- Trigonometry
- Analytical Geometry of Two and Three Dimensions
- Differential Calculus
- Integral Calculus and Differential Equations
- Vector
- Algebra
- Statistics
- Probability
- Calculus 20-25
- Quadratic equation 20-15
- Matrices & Determinants 30
- Probability 10
- Trigonometry 30
- Complex number 10-15
UPSC NDA Syllabus for General Ability Test
Paper 2 General Ability Test judges a candidate’s basic awareness and English proficiency.
This section is further divided into two parts-
English and General Knowledge.
- Total marks awarded to Paper 2 are 600.
- This paper must be completed in 2.5 hours.
- Here is the subject-wise NDA Syllabus for Paper 2:
Part A- English
The English portion of the entrance test is designed in a way to judge a candidate's knowledge of the basic grammar and vocabulary.
It judges a candidate’s ability to form correct sentences and use of words.
The syllabus of the English paper ranges from various aspects like the knowledge and usage of grammar, vocabulary, comprehension, and his mental ability to remember and place the meaning of words in their proper places.
Marks allotted to this section are 300 MM.
It judges a candidate’s ability to form correct sentences and use of words.
The syllabus of the English paper ranges from various aspects like the knowledge and usage of grammar, vocabulary, comprehension, and his mental ability to remember and place the meaning of words in their proper places.
Marks allotted to this section are 300 MM.
Part B- General Knowledge
The question paper on General Knowledge will cover current affairs, questions from Physics, Chemistry, General Science, Social Studies, Geography and Current Events. The paper aims to check knowledge and intelligent understanding of the subject.
Full UPSC NDA Exam Pattern and selection process-
Type of Questions:
There will be objective type questions asked in the examination.
The question paper will be asked in the OMR pattern.
The exam will be conducted in pen and paper based mode.
Answering Mode:
Candidates will use black ball pen to mark their answers. Do not use Ink pen or pencil.
Two and half hours will be given for each code, i.e. Code 1 (mathematics) and Code 2 (general ability test).
The medium of the exam will be set bilingually in English as well as Hindi.
Negative Marking:
0.33 % marks will be deducted for each wrong answer.
- Subjects Maximum Marks Duration
- Mathematics 300 2 ½ hours
- GAT (Section 1- English) 200 2 ½ hours
- GAT (Section 2- General Knowledge) 400
- Total Marks 900
- SSB Interview 900
- Grand Total 1800
Source: Read Source
[PDF] UPSC NDA/NA Study Material, book, Syllabus, Paper, Practice sets के नि: शुल्क PDF अध्ययन सामग्री लिंक
Practice sets for Latest NDA/NA Exam |
Last year paper PDF of UPSC NDA/NA Exam
Subject wise Study Material for UPSC NDA/NA Exam |
Syllabus and Notification NDA/NA Exam |
Mock tests for UPSC NDA/NA Exam |
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