[PDF] SSC MTS Preparation Latest Study Material | Syllabus | Books | Papers | Mock Tests
SSC MTS Latest Practice sets, books, previous year paper, free mock tests and short tricks notes for upcoming Exams.

SSC MTS Free Study Material

Selection Process of SSC MTS
SSC MTS Exam will be in Three phases
SSC MTS 2021 Syllabus | Exam pattern (Paper 1)
To face Paper-1 you need to have a clear idea of the detailed about SSC MTS Syllabus. Let’s have a look at the syllabus for SSC MTS Exam-
- Classification
- Analogy
- Coding Decoding
- Matrix
- Word Formation
- Venn Diagram
- Direction/Distance
- Blood Relation
- Missing Numbers
- Non Verbal Reasoning
- Verbal Reasoning
English Language
- Reading Comprehension
- Fill in the Blanks
- Spellings
- Phrases and Idioms
- Synonyms and Antonyms
- One word Substitution
- Sentence Correction
- Error Spotting
Numerical Ability
- Simplification
- Interest
- Percentage
- Ratio and Proportion
- Average
- Problem on Ages
- Speed, Distance and Time
- Profit and Loss
- Number Series
- Number System
- Mensuration
- Time and Work
- DI
- Mixture Problem
- Algebra
- Geometry
- Trigonometry
General Awareness
- Static GK
- Science
- Books and Authors
- Current Affairs
- Dates, Portfolios
- SSC MTS Exam Pattern (Paper 2)
- Population Census
- Important books and their writers
- First sports achievement for India and world like first Olympic, first Asian Game, etc.
- State Animals and Symbols
- Awards and their importance
- Name of the Scientist who got Noble prize for important discoveries
- Important Days
- Computer
- Development of computers
- Input and output devices
- Memory
Paper 2 of SSC MTS will be a descriptive Paper to test the writing skills of a candidate. A candidate has to write a short essay or letter in English or any other Language as mentioned under the 8th schedule of the Constitution of India to clear this examination.
Subject Max Marks Total Time
Short Essay/Letter in English
or any Language included
in 8th Schedule of the Constitution 50 30
Minutes Penalty for wrong answers
Remember, 0.25 marks will be deducted for every question attempted wrong by a candidate in Paper1. Candidates are thus required to attempt every question carefully. There will be no negative marking in Paper- 2 of SSC MTSPhase 3 (Document Verification)
Final Selection
The final selection of a candidate through SSC MTS will be made on the basis of marks obtained by a candidate in Paper-1 and Paper-2. The cumulative score of both these examinations will be taken into consideration for the final selection of candidate through SSC MTS Exam.Source: Read Source (Internet)
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Practice sets for SSC MTS Exam |
Last year paper pdf of SSC MTS Exam |
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Mock tests for SSC MTS Exam |
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