[PDF*] SSC CHSL (LDC) full study material, practice set, last year paper and mock test
Latest study material of SSC CHSL (LDC) practice sets, topics, chapter wise study material and mock test are given in this article. You can get study material here.

Study notes for ssc chsl

SSC Combined Higher Secondary Level (10+2) Examination application process has been commenced from 5th March and will last till 5th April. For applying, candidates must only have passed 12th Standard or equivalent examination from a recognized Board or University. So, the time has come for the students to start their preparation for the SSC CHSL Tier - I Exam.How to get SSC CHSL Study Material
The candidates who would like to get the study material can make use of the official website. The following steps are used to get the study materials.- Enter the official website.
- On the Home page, you will have many links.
- Select the study material link.
- Choose the name of the post.
- The SSC CHSL study materials 2018 will appear.
- Get the study materials.
- Save the file as PDF format.
These steps can be used when the candidate prefer to avail the SSC CHSL study material. These study materials will be very helpful for preparing for this examination.
SSC CHSL (LDC): Questions will be asked from these following subjects.
General Intelligence
- Analogy
- Classification
- Coding and Decoding
- Series
- Blood Relation
- Direction and Distance
- Time Sequence, Number and Ranking Test
- Number Puzzle
- Logical Sequence of Words
- Venn Diagrams
- Clock and Calendar
- Syllogism
- Mathematical Operation
- Arithmetical Reasoning
- Matrix Reasoning
- Statement and Reasoning
- Cube and Dice
- Completion of Figure
- Visual Reasoning
- Paper Cutting and Folding
English Language
- Error Spotting
- Fill in the Blanks
- Fill in the blanks with suitable Article
- Fill in the blanks with suitable Preposition
- Jumbled Sentence
- Phrase Replacement
- Sentence Improvement
- Choose the correct ‘Synonyms’
- Active Voice and Passive Voice
- Direct and Indirect Speech
- Cloze Test
Quantitative Aptitude
- Number System & Simplification
- Probability
- Algebraic Expressions and in Equality
- Average
- Percentage
- Profit and Loss
- Simple & Compound interest
- Ratio and Proportion & Partnership
- Mixture & Allegations
- Time and Work & Pipes and Cisterns
- Speed, time & Distance (Train, Boats & Stream)
- Mensuration
- Trigonometry
- Geometry
- Data Interpretation
- Number Series
- Number System
- Speed, Distance and Time
- Time and Work
GK & Current Affairs
Static Gk
- Facts about Harappa Civilization
- Vedic culture
- Name of the Kings who built important ancient Temples and Institutions like Nalanda
- Chronology of Medieval India and their important systems
- India’s freedom Movement and their leaders
- India and its neighboring countries
- Famous Sea port and Airport and their location
- Important institution of world and India and their locations like BRICS, World Bank, IMF and RBI, etc
- Terminology of Budget (like National Income, GDP, Fiscal Deficit and many more)
- Five Year Plan and its importance
- Famous persons in economy
- Institutions and their importance like RBI, SEBI, etc
- Supreme Court
- Meaning of Write
- Election of President and his functions
- Important constitution bodies like CAG
- Facts about parliament
- Fundamental Duties
- Governor and his functions
- State legislature
- Major Constitutional amendments and their importance
- Official Language
- Emergency Provisions
- National political parties and their symbols
General Science
- Important Inventions and their inventor
- Important and Interesting facts about human body parts
- Nutrition in Animals and Plants
- Diseases and their causes like Bacteria
- Viruses and Protozoa
- Last four chapter of NCERT of Class 12th for environment
- Chemical Properties of Substance and their uses
- SI units
- Chemical Name of Important substances like Plaster of Paris, etc.
- Chemical Change and Physical Change
- Properties of Gases
- Surface Chemistry
- Chemistry in Everyday life
- Important inventions and their inventor
- S.I. units
- Motion
- Sound
- Light
- Wave
- Energy
- Electricity
- Current Affairs
- Recent Develo-pments
- Awards
- Politics
- Finance and Banking sector
- International Events
- Miscellaneous
- Population Census
- Important books and their writers
- First sports achievement for India and world like first Olympic, first Asian Game, etc.
- State Animals and Symbols
- Awards and their importance
- Name of the Scientist who got Noble prize for important discoveries
- Important Days
- Computer
- Development of computers
- Input and output devices
- Memory
In this article we are giving you Important study materials SSC CHSL (LDC) 2019 full study material Computer Based Test (CBT) Examination. Here we given subject wise study materials. Candidates can find here the study material.
This is a complete set of compiled list of topics that almost covers the exam syllabus. This, we believe shall be useful in preparing and gearing up for taking the exams. Feel free to request your recommendations in the comments section.
we tend to offer you the no frill set of study materials for SSC CHSL (LDC) 2019 Examination. We shall update the links with study materials at our pace and hence stay tuned for more updates. All subject links are given below:-
SSC CHSL (LDC) Study Material
Click here For (General Awareness) PDF
Topic are covered:
Knowledge of Current affairs
Culture and history of India including freedom struggle
Environmental issues concerning India and the World
General scientific and technological developments etc.
Indian Economy
Indian geography
Indian Polity and constitution
Click here to get (ENGLISH LANGUAGE) PDF
Topic are covered:
- Error Spotting
- Fill in the Blanks
- Fill in the blanks with suitable Article
- Fill in the blanks with suitable Preposition
- Jumbled Sentence
- Phrase Replacement
- Sentence Improvement
- Choose the correct ‘Synonyms’
- Active Voice and Passive Voice
- Direct and Indirect Speech
- Close Test
Click here For (General Science) PDF
Topic are covered:
Life Sciences
Click here for (Reasoning and General Intelligence) PDF
Topics are covered:
Coding and Decoding
Mathematical Operation
Blood Relation
Number Puzzle
Venn Diagrams
Data Interpretation and Sufficiency
Conclusions and Decision Making
Direction and Distance
Statement and Reasoning
Click here for (Arithmetic Ability) PDF
Topics are covered:
Number systems
Profit and Loss
Ratio and Proportion
Time and Work
Direction and Distance
Simple and Compound Interest
Square Root
Age Calculations
Calendar & Clock
Pipes & Cistern
SSC CHSL (LDC) full Syllabus, Paper, Practice sets, Study material के नि:शुल्क PDF अध्ययन सामग्री लिंक-
>>>Click here to get SSC CHSL EXAM PRACTICE SET 1
>>>Click here to get SSC CHSL EXAM PRACTICE SET 2
>>>Click here to get SSC CHSL EXAM PRACTICE SET 3
>>>Click here to get SSC CHSL EXAM PRACTICE SET 4
>>>Click here to get SSC CHSL EXAM PRACTICE SET 5
>>>Click here to get SSC CHSL EXAM PRACTICE SET 6
>>>Click here to get SSC CHSL EXAM PRACTICE SET 7
>>>Click here to get SSC CHSL EXAM PRACTICE SET 8
>>>Click here to get SSC CHSL NOTIFICATION
ReplyDeleteThanks sir very nice post
Railway, all Exam GK&GS
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