

Complete Information About SSC in English | Staff Selection Commission Exams and Selections

Complete Information About SSC in English | Staff Selection Commission Exams and Selections

  • In its 47th Report (1967-68), the Parliament Estimation Committee recommended the setting up of a Service Selection Commission for conducting the examination for the recruitment of employees for central government departments.
  • The Government of India decided to constitute a Subordinate Service Commission under an executive resolution in November, 1975.
  • On September 26, 1977, it was renamed as Staff Selection Commission (SSC).

Main function of SSC

The Staff Selection Commission recruits Group B (non-gazetted) and non-technical group C posts in the ministries / departments, affiliated and subordinate offices of the Government of India; C & G and its Accountants-General Office, EC and Central Vigilance Commission / -
The main responsibility of the Staff Selection Commission is to exclude them except the Group C (non-technical) and Group B (non-gazetted-technical and non-technical) non-gazetted, its affiliated and subordinate offices in the Government of India, for which the Railway Recruitment Recruitment by boards and industrial establishments / -
The task of conducting departmental exams has also been assigned to the Staff Selection Commission

Promotion from Group D to LDC Grade

In addition to conduct periodical typewriting tests in English and Hindi, promotions from Stenographers Grade C to Std Grade D

The Staff Selection Commission is a nationwide network of 9 regional / sub-regional offices located in sub-regional offices located in Allahabad, Bangalore, Chennai, Guwahati, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi and Chandigarh and Raipur.
In the main responsibilities of the Regional / Sub-Regional Offices of the Staff Selection Commission, to implement, supervise and supervise the Commission's policies and programs, to coordinate with the State Governments and their departments, arranging a fair and smooth arrangement, Along with the conduct of examinations, assisting the interview boards and in the field of jurisdiction, the examination centers Serving of / -
During the year 2005-2006, the Commission conducted 8 All India Open Examinations and 3 Departmental Examinations.
During 2005-2006, 15.7 lakh candidates applied for 8 All India Open examinations, applied for application selection and 3275 for departmental examinations organized by 22 9 68 SSC. - The Commission has conducted 90 examination centers at 766 locations. Organized his major examinations through the network of / -
During 2005-2006, the Commission nominated 3374 candidates for appointment on various posts through All India Open Examinations, and 133 candidates were nominated against the selection posts.

Organizational Structure

The Chairman of the SSC is headed by 2 President and Secretary-cum-Controller of Examinations.

Regional network

SSC has nine regional / sub-regional offices in different parts of the country / these Regional / Sub-Regional Offices are responsible for the receipt and processing of applications for various examinations, issuing admission letters to the candidates, Regional Headquarters or areas Conduct interview / PET (wherever required) in other major cities.
The jurisdiction of various regional / sub-regional offices is as follows:

S.No. Area place Jurisdiction

1 / -
The Central Zone
UP, Uttaranchal, Bihar and Jharkhand
Eastern area
West Bengal, Orissa, Sikkim, Andaman and Nicobar Islands
3 / -
northern region
new Delhi
Delhi and Rajasthan
4 / -
Western area
Gujarat, Maharashtra, Goa, Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Daman and Diu
5 / -
Southern region
Andhra Pradesh, Tamilnadu and Pondicherry
6 / -
Kerala-Karnataka region
Karnataka, Kerala and Lakshadweep
7 / -
North-Eastern Region
Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland and Tripura
8 / -
Madhya Pradesh Sub-Region
Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh
9 / -
Northwest sub-region
Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, Punjab and Chandigarh

Examination Center for North-Eastern Region (different from examination exam)

Serial no. state Examination center

1 / -
Arunachal Pradesh
 Guwahati, Dibrugarh, Silchar
3 / -
4 / -
5 / -
6 / -
7 / -

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